Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More About Launch Gags

Toon slings corks at cog
Affects: One Cog
Defeats up to Level 2  Cogs

Toon throws rock at cog, when it hits it shatters
Affects: One Cog
Defeats up to Level 4  Cogs

Big Sling
Toon slings bigger corks at cog
Affects: One Cog
Defeats up to Level 6  Cogs

Rotten Apple
Toon slings rotten apple at cog
Affects: One Cog
Defeats up to Level 8  Cogs

Gag Gun
Toon fires gun, out of the end comes a "Bang!" flag, scaring cog
Affects: One Cog
Defeats up to Level 10  Cogs

Huge Sling
Toon slings boulder at cog, crushing them, then they push it off and explode.
Affects: One Cog
Defeats up to Level 12  Cogs

Toon fires himself out of the cannon, and manages to hit every cog
Affects: All cogs
Defeats: All Cogs